TN2513 Computational Science 2019/2020

Overall course learning objectives

A listing of our overall somewhat philosophical learning objecgtives:

Detailed learning objectives

A detailed list of the things you should be able to do in order to pass the course:

Detailed learning objectives

Zip file

In this zip file, you can find all the jupyter notebooks and files needed to work on the lecture material on your own computer, including answer checking:

Lecture notebooks zip file

Lecture HTML Previews

01 Introduction to programming in Python 1

02 Introduction to programming in Python 2

03 Numerical Differentiation

04 Numerical Integration

05 Root finding

06 Linear algebra

07 Fourier transforms 1

08 Fourier transforms 2

09 Random numbers

10 Monte Carlo simulations

11 Ordinary Differential Equations 1

12 Ordinary Differential Equations 2

13 Partial Differential Equations 1

14 Partial Differential Equations 2