In this lecture, we will explore numerical methods of solving ordinary differential equations (ODEs).
Learning objectives: After completing this lecture, you should be able to:
routine from the scipy
library# Notebook code
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
from validate_answers import *
# Notebook code
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100
Ordinary differential equations are equations that specify a relation between derivatives of a function and the function itself. In a first order differential equation is one which involves only first-order derivatives:
$$ \frac{dx}{dt} = f(x,t) $$Here, $f(x,t)$ is an known function, $t$ is an independent variable, and one is interested in finding $x(t)$. A example of a problem in physics that is described by a first-order ODE is the charging of a capacitor through a resistor (an RC circuit):
We will consider the case in which at $t = 0$, the capacitor is uncharged and a voltage $V_0$ is applied to the resistor. Your task will be to find the voltage on the capacitor. For this, you will need to know the charge on the capacitor, since it's voltage is determined by $V = Q / C$.
How do I find the charge of the capacitor? For this, you need first to find the current flowing through the resistor, as this will determine the charge on the capacitor, since by Kirchoff's laws, the charge has nowhere else to go. The current $I$ through the resistor is determined by Ohm's law $\Delta V = IR$, where $\Delta V = V_0 - V$ is the voltage drop across the resistor.
$$ I = \frac{V_0 - V(t)}{R} $$Note that this equation does not tell us the current, because the current is determined by the voltage $V(t)$ which we also don't know!
However, since $I = dQ / dt$, and since $Q = CV$, we then have the following equation for $V$:
$$ \frac{dV}{dt} = \frac{V_0}{RC} - \frac{V}{RC} $$which we can recognize as a (linear) ordinary differential equation for $V$. This differential equation has a solution that is well known (hopefully also to you too):
$$ V(t) = V_0 (1-e^{-t/RC}) $$This is an example of an ODE that has an exact analytical solution. This is convenient to study here as we can compare our numerical integration to the known answer, and once we understand well how the numerical solution of ODEs works, we can apply this to more complicated (nonlinear) ODEs for which there is no analytical solution.
In general, the technique one uses solves differential equations is called "numerical integration".
The important point is: the differential equation tells you that the slope of the function (in this case, the rate of change of the voltage in time) in terms of the value of the voltage itself (in this case, a simple linear relation).
Now, if I know the value of the voltage at a time $t = t_0$, and the slope of the voltage in time, I can approximately predict the voltage in the future using:
$$ V(t_0 + \Delta t) \approx V(t_0) + \left. \frac{dV}{dt} \right |_{t=t_0} \Delta t $$When solving a ODE, in order to generate a unique solution, one must always be provided with an initial condition: in the example above, we know that $V = 0$ at $t = 0$ since the capacitor starts uncharged. That means we always have at least one point where we know the voltage!
To find the voltage at any other time $t$ in the future, we can just keep applying the approximation above to "advance" the voltage to the next step until we get to the time in the future that we are interested in. As long as we take time steps $\Delta t$ that are small enough, the approximation should be good and our calculation will be accurate.
Exercise 1 Write code to solve the problem of a charging capacitor with $V_0 = 1$ V, $R = 1$ M$\Omega$, and $C = 1 \mu$F. Your calculation should produce an array for $V(t)$ for $t$ from 0 to 10 seconds with 1000 points. Make a plot of $V(t)$. Does it do what you expect it should?
N = 1000
t = np.linspace(0,10,N)
dt = t[1]-t[0]
R = 1e6
C = 1e-6
V0 = 1
# Pre-allocating the array is a good idea, in general it is much faster
# to fill a pre-allocated array than to use append()
V = np.empty(N)
# Initial condition
# V[0] = ____
### Your code here
# A function for returning the derivative
def dVdt(V):
### Your code here
# for i in range(___,___):
# V[i] = ..
### Your code here
# Now make a plot (with appropriate labels!)
### Your code here
answer_11_1_1 = np.copy(V)
question = "answer_11_1"
num = 1
to_check = [question + "_%d" % (n+1) for n in range(num)]
feedback = ""
passed = True
for var in to_check:
res, msg = check_answer(eval(var), var)
passed = passed and res
print(msg); feedback += msg + "n"
assert passed == True, feedback
Exercise 2: Use the Euler method to solve for the voltage on the capacitor for the case that the input voltage is not constant for $t>0$ but instead oscillates at a frequency of 1 Hz with an amplitude of 1 Volt for $t>0$. The capacitor is also taken to be uncharged at $t=0$.
Note now that your derivative is now not only a function of $V$, but now also explicitly dependent on $t$.
Your calculation should produce an array for $V(t)$ for $t$ from 0 to 10 seconds with 1000 points. Make a plot of $V(t)$. Does it do what you expect it should?
N = 1000
t = np.linspace(0,10,N) # seconds
dt = t[1]-t[0]
R = 1e6 # Ohms
C = 1e-6 # F
V0 = 1 # V
f = 1 # Hz
# Pre-allocating the array is a good idea, in general it is much faster
# to fill a pre-allocated array than to use append()
V = np.empty(N)
# Initial condition
# V[0] = ____
### Your code here
# A function for returning the derivative
def dVdt(t,V):
### Your code here
# for i in range(___,___):
# V[i] = ..
### Your code here
# Now make a plot (with appropriate labels!)
### Your code here
answer_11_2_1 = np.copy(V)
question = "answer_11_2"
num = 1
to_check = [question + "_%d" % (n+1) for n in range(num)]
feedback = ""
passed = True
for var in to_check:
res, msg = check_answer(eval(var), var)
passed = passed and res
print(msg); feedback += msg + "n"
assert passed == True, feedback
Another common differential equation that one encounters in physics is that of a harmonic oscillator, for example, representing a mass on a spring. If the equilibrium position of the mass is at $x = 0$, then the restoring force is given by $F = -kx$. Using $F = ma$, we then obtain the following second-order differential equation for $x(t)$:
$$ \frac{d^2x}{dt^2} = -\frac{k}{m} x $$How do we solve this? On first glance, this might look more challenging than the case above, since I can no longer just use my trick of using the slope to estimate $x$ at the next time step.
However, there is a trick we can play: we can split this second-order differential equation into two (coupled) first order differential equations. How? To do this, we re-write the above in terms of velocity $v = dx / dt$. I then get the following two order differential equations:
$$ \frac{dv}{dt} = -\frac{k}{m} x $$and
$$ \frac{dx}{dt} = v $$Now we can play the same trick: assuming that I know both $x$ and $v$ at some time $t_0$, I can estimate $x$ and $v$ at time $t = t_0 + \Delta $:
$$ v(t_0 + \Delta t) = v(t_0) -\frac{k}{m} x(t_0) \Delta t $$and
$$ x(t_0 + \Delta t) = x(t_0) + v(t_0) \Delta t $$From here, we can just do exactly what we did above. The only minor detail is that we have to keep track of two things ($x$ and $v$) instead of just one. And, of course, we still need to know $x$ and $v$ at some point in time! But, as you likely know, the solution of a second order ODE is only unique if I specify two initial conditions: both the velocity and position at $t=0$.
Exercise 3: Calculate $x(t)$ for a mass on a spring. Take $m = 1$ kg, $k = 1$ N/m, $x(t=0) = 0$ and $v(t=0) = 1$ m/s. Your code should output an array that represent $x(t)$ for $t$ from 0 to 20*$\pi$ seconds (which should give exactly 10 oscillations) with 1000 points. Make a plot of $x(t)$. Does it do what you expect it should?
N = 1000
t = np.linspace(0,10*2*np.pi,N)
dt = t[1]-t[0]
m = 1
k = 1
# Pre-allocating the array is a good idea, it is much faster
# to fill a pre-allocated array than to use append()
x = np.empty(N)
v = np.empty(N)
# Initial condition
# v[0] = ___
# x[0] = ___
### Your code here
# A function for returning dv/dt = F / m
# Note that it is only a function of x in this case
def dvdt(x):
### Your code here
# Note that it is only a function of v in this case
def dxdt(v):
### Your code here
# for i in range(___,___):
# x[i] = ...
# v[i] = ...
### Your code here
# An appropriate plot
### Your code here
answer_11_3_1 = np.copy(x)
question = "answer_11_3"
num = 1
to_check = [question + "_%d" % (n+1) for n in range(num)]
feedback = ""
passed = True
for var in to_check:
res, msg = check_answer(eval(var), var)
passed = passed and res
print(msg); feedback += msg + "n"
assert passed == True, feedback
As you may have noticed, although Euler integration seems to work pretty well for the RC circuit, it fails very badly for the Harmonic oscillator! The undamped harmonic oscillator is an example of a stiff equation which is numerically unstable for some type of solver algorithms:
The reason for this is that extrapolation of the derivative is a very poor approximation: so much so that it requires a very small time step to prevent the solution of the simple harmonic oscillator from diverging! Euler's method is particularly bad with so-called "stiff" equations.
An improvement over the Euler method is to include a more accurate estimate of the derivative of the function defining the derivatives. Doing this in successive higher orders is called the Runge-Kutta (RK) technique:
The basic idea of RK2 is that numerical derivatives give a much better estimate of the slope at the midpoint between two points rather than at the point itself (see also the lecture notebook for lecture 4).
Instead of using the value of the derivative at time $t$ to predict the value of the function at the next time step $t+\Delta t$, RK2 uses instead the value of the derivative at a time half-way to the next time step, $t + \Delta t /2$ to extrapolate. Just like how the center-based difference gives a more accuarte estimate of the slope, this will also give a more accurate extrapolation of the value of the function at the next time step. To determine the value at $t + \Delta t/2$, we use the Euler method.
In practice, this is done by defining two coefficients $k_1$ and $k_2$. For the ODE:
$$ \frac{dx}{dt} = f(x,t) $$We first calculate the $\Delta x$ we would have in Euler's method and call this $k_1$ (the first-order RK coefficient):
$$ k_1 = \Delta x_1 = h \cdot f(x,t) $$where $h$ is the time step we choose. But instead of updating $x$ based on this alone, we use this to get a better estimate of the slope by moving a half step in $x$ and a half step in $t$ and use this to calculate the second order RK coefficient, which is an improved estimate of the actual $\Delta x$:
$$ k_2 = \Delta x_2 = h \cdot f\left(x+\tfrac{1}{2}k_1,t+\tfrac{1}{2}h\right) $$And we then use this to update our new estimate of $x(t)$:
$$ x_{n+1} = x_n + k_2 $$This relatively simple trick gives a significant improvement over Euler's method for integration. Before we directly apply RK2 integration to the simple Harmonic oscillator, we will implement it first for the first order ODE of the RC circuit.
Exercise 4 Implement your own RK2 integration code for the same problem as specified in Exercise 1.
N = 1000
t = np.linspace(0,10,N)
dt = t[1]-t[0]
R = 1e6
C = 1e-6
V0 = 1
f = 1
# Pre-allocating the array is a good idea, it is much faster
# to fill a pre-allocated array than to use append()
V = np.empty(N)
# Initial condition
# V[0] = ....
### Your code here
# A function for returning the derivative (for generality, make it a
# function of both V and t, although it may not depend explicity on t
# in this case)
def dVdt(V,t):
### Your code here
for i in range(1,N):
### Your code here
# Now the plot
### Your code here
answer_11_4_1 = np.copy(V)
question = "answer_11_4"
num = 1
to_check = [question + "_%d" % (n+1) for n in range(num)]
feedback = ""
passed = True
for var in to_check:
res, msg = check_answer(eval(var), var)
passed = passed and res
print(msg); feedback += msg + "n"
assert passed == True, feedback
Exercise 5: Implement the solution to Exercise 3 with your own RK2 integration code. Does this look more like what you would expect?
N = 1000
t = np.linspace(0,10*np.pi*2,N)
dt = t[1]-t[0]
m = 1
k = 1
# Pre-allocating the array is a good idea, it is much faster
# to fill a pre-allocated array than to use append()
x = np.empty(N)
v = np.empty(N)
# Initial condition
# v[0] = ....
# x[0] = ....
### Your code here
def dvdt(x):
### Your code here
def dxdt(v):
### Your code here
for i in range(1,N):
#x[i] = ....
#v[i] = ....
### Your code here
# And the plot
### Your code here
answer_11_5_1 = np.copy(x)
question = "answer_11_5"
num = 1
to_check = [question + "_%d" % (n+1) for n in range(num)]
feedback = ""
passed = True
for var in to_check:
res, msg = check_answer(eval(var), var)
passed = passed and res
print(msg); feedback += msg + "n"
assert passed == True, feedback
The RK2 algorithm described above is a specific case of a more general Runge-Kutta method that can also be extended to higher orders.
A commonly used one is the 4th order Runge-Kutta method (RK4), one of the most common approaches in computational physics for integrating ODEs. For the ODE:
$$ \frac{dx}{dt} = f(x,t) $$the time step in RK4 is calculated as:
\begin{eqnarray} k_1 & = & dt * f(x,t) \\ k_2 & = & dt * f(x+k_1/2, t+dt/2) \\ k_3 & = & dt * f(x+k_2/2, t+dt/2) \\ k_4 & = & dt * f(x+k_3, t+dt) \\ \end{eqnarray}With these definitions, the position at the next time step is given by:
$$ x(t+dt) = x(t) + (k_1 + 2 k_2 + 2 k_3 + k_4)/6 $$Exercise 6: Implement RK4 integration for the problem of Exercise 1.
N = 1000
t = np.linspace(0,10,N)
dt = t[1]-t[0]
R = 1e6
C = 1e-6
V0 = 1
f = 1
# Pre-allocating the array is a good idea, it is much faster
# to fill a pre-allocated array than to use append()
V = np.empty(N)
# Initial condition
# V[0] = ....
### Your code here
# A function for returning the derivative
def dVdt(V,t):
### Your code here
for i in range(1,N):
# ...
#V[i] = ...
### Your code here
# And the plot
### Your code here
answer_11_6_1 = np.copy(t)
answer_11_6_2 = np.copy(V)
question = "answer_11_6"
num = 2
to_check = [question + "_%d" % (n+1) for n in range(num)]
feedback = ""
passed = True
for var in to_check:
res, msg = check_answer(eval(var), var)
passed = passed and res
print(msg); feedback += msg + "n"
assert passed == True, feedback
routine¶In the above, we have implemented directly the Euler and Runge-Kutta methods of numerical integration with our own python code. Doing so, we have learned insight into how these techniques work and when and how things can go wrong! As we saw, the code is very simple (only a few lines) and using this code, we can directly solve relatively complex numerical problems in physics!
In addition to coding the numerical integration routines yourself, the scipy
package also has built-in routines for numerical integration of ODEs. In particular, here, we will learn how to use the solve_ipv()
Reading the documentation page, you can see that the solve_ivp()
routine takes several variables and has many optional parameters, some of which you can likely now understand having solved the problems yourself above. The parameter method
controls which technique is used for the numerical integration: by default, it uses a variant of RK4. The scipy numerical integration routines also support some additional routines, such as the BDF method:
which is more robust for integrating stiff differential equations like the undamped Harmonic oscillator.
The solve_ivp()
routine returns not just the solution to the differential equation, but in fact a object that contains more information inside it about the numerical integration process itself.
The routine is also smart enough to implement automatic choices of the step size, in which the step size is adapted based on estimations of what will make the integration as efficient as possible! While very cool, this means that by default, the resulting calculation will not be sampled equidistantly in time, as our examples above. Fortunately, the routine provides an optional argument t_eval
, which is a numpy array of times that should be used for evaluating the solution that it returns.
In the following exercises, we will explore how the solve_ivp()
routine works and how to use it.
Exercise 7: Use the solve_ivp()
routine to solve the problem of the charging capacitor above from Exercise 1.
You will need to define a function dVdt(t,V)
. By convention, this function should take time (the independent variable) as its first argument and the voltage value as it's second. This function you will need to give as first argument of the solve_ivp()
You will also need to pass a tuple as the second argument of solve_ivp()
to specify the start and end times.
Finally, you will need to give solve_ivp()
the initial value of the voltage in the third argument. Since solve_ivp()
is capable of solving multidimensional simultaneous equations, and also higher order ODEs, this argument must be a list of initial values, one for each of the 1st order ODEs it is solving. Although the problem we are considering of the RC circuit is only a single first-order ODE, we still have to make our initial condition into an array (for example, a numpy array of size (1,)
). For this case, you can provide a list with one element: [V0]
, where V0
is the value $V(t=0)$.
Plot your solution using points in your plot so that you can see the time steps that the routine chose for you automatically. Also, plot on top of the points you get the answer you had from exercise 6 in which you solve with RK4 with 1000 points.
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
R = 1e6
C = 1e-6
V0 = 1
def dVdt(t,V):
### Your code here
#sol = solve_ivp(dVdt, ...., ....)
### Your code here
# By default, the independent variable is always stored in the name sol.t
# t = ....
### Your code here
# By default, the dependent variable is always stored in the name sol.y
# The shape of sol.y will be (1,N), since this is only a first order equation
# However, to get this into an array we can plot, we still need to index
# it using sol.y[0,:]
# V = ....
### Your code here
# A plot with the scipy answer and your answer from exercise 5 (with legend)
# plt.plot(t,V, 'o', label=....)
# plt.plot(answer_11_6_1, answer_11_6_2, label=...)
# ...
### Your code here
answer_11_7_1 = np.copy(t)
answer_11_7_2 = np.copy(V)
question = "answer_11_7"
num = 2
to_check = [question + "_%d" % (n+1) for n in range(num)]
feedback = ""
passed = True
for var in to_check:
res, msg = check_answer(eval(var), var)
passed = passed and res
print(msg); feedback += msg + "n"
assert passed == True, feedback
You should see that the routine has chosen far less than 1000 points for this integration, but seems to be pretty accurate. Also, the points in time that it chose are not evenly spaced in time, which does not matter so much if you are interested only in the final value, but may not be so useful if you want to know the full trace of the voltage as a function of time.
Exercise 8 Use the t_eval
parameter of the solve_ivp()
to specify which points in time for which the voltage should be calculated. Use a range of 0 ot 10 seconds with 1000 points. Make a plot of $V(t)$, and a second plot showing the difference between your RK4 calculation in Exercise 6 with the values calculated by the default settings of the solve_ivp()
R = 1e6
C = 1e-6
V0 = 1
def dVdt(t,V):
### Your code here
# sol = solve_ivp(dVdt, ...., ...., t_eval=......)
# t = ...
# V = ...
### Your code here
# plt.plot(t,answer_11_6_2, '--', linewidth=4, label=...)
# plt.plot(t,V, label=...)
### Your code here
### Your code here
answer_11_8_1 = np.copy(t)
answer_11_8_2 = np.copy(V)
question = "answer_11_8"
num = 2
to_check = [question + "_%d" % (n+1) for n in range(num)]
feedback = ""
passed = True
for var in to_check:
res, msg = check_answer(eval(var), var)
passed = passed and res
print(msg); feedback += msg + "n"
assert passed == True, feedback
¶In order to solve a second order ODE with solve_ivp()
, or to solve more generally a set of coupled ODEs, one needs to be a bit clever with the definition of the derivative function.
In the simple Harmonic oscillator example that we did above, we defined two derivative functions, one for each one of the (coupled) differential equations. We also had two separate variables we were keeping track of: one for x
and one for v
For the solve_ivp()
routine, this works a bit differently. As we saw above, it works with a variable named y
for the dependent variable when solving a 1st order ODE.
When solving multiple coupled ODEs, instead of adding more separate variables, the solve_ivp()
routine turns y
into an array! This way, a single routine can solve as many coupled ODEs as you like!
How do figure out what you put into the y
variable array? You can choose! In this notebook, I will choose that y[0]
corresponds to $x$ of my harmonic oscillator, and y[1]
corresponds to $v$.
The other tricky thing is that your function dydt(t,y)
that defines the derivative needs to now define all of the derivatives in one function. The way this works is that you function gets passed both the independent variable t
and the variable y
, that is an array of all the dependent variables, and your function needs to return an array yprime
which is the derivative in time of all the corresponding variables in the array: if y[0]
is $x$, then yprime[0]
is $dx/dt$, if y[1]
is $v$, then yprime[1]
is $dv/dt$.
Exercise 9: Use solve_ivp()
to solve the problem of exercise 3. Use the same sampling in time for your answer as specified in exercise 3 by choosing the appropriate t_eval
. Make two plots, one showing the resulting solution with your answer from your own RK2 code from exercise 5, and a second plot showing the difference between the two.
N = 1000
t = np.linspace(0,10*np.pi*2,N)
m = 1
k = 1
# The derivative function
def dydt(t,y):
#x = ...
#v = ...
#return ...
### Your code here
# x0 = ...
# v0 = ...
### Your code here
# Solve it
# sol = solve_ivp(dydt, ..., , ..., t_eval=t)
### Your code here
# Extract the answers
# t = ...
# x = ...
### Your code here
#Now your plots
# plt.plot(t,x, label=...)
# plt.plot(t,answer_11_3_1,'--', linewidth=4, label=....)
# plt.ylabel(...)
# plt.xlabel...)
### Your code here
# plt.ylabel(...)
# plt.xlabel(...)
### Your code here
answer_11_9_1 = np.copy(x)
question = "answer_11_9"
num = 1
to_check = [question + "_%d" % (n+1) for n in range(num)]
feedback = ""
passed = True
for var in to_check:
res, msg = check_answer(eval(var), var)
passed = passed and res
print(msg); feedback += msg + "n"
assert passed == True, feedback
They look pretty close: which one do you think is more accurate? How can you check? (Hint: where were things going wrong with Euler? At the start or the end? And what would we predict for the position of this oscillator at the last timestep in our simulation?)
# What is an interesting thing to check to see which one is more accurate?
# print(...)
# print(...)
### Your code here